Diabetes 4T’s Symptom & Treatment

Diabetes occur when the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood becomes higher than the normal. This happens when the body can’ make the hormone insulin or stops responding to it.

If it is found a special blood test- Glycated Haemoglobin –is used to check the level of sugar in your blood.

Watch out for the 4T’s:

  • TOILET: Going to the toilet a lot, or a previously dry child wetting the bed.
  • THIRST: Being really thirsty; unable to quench your thirst.
  • TIRED: More than usual.
  • THINNER: Unexpected weight loss.


  • Getting up in the night to use the toilet.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Recurrent infections.
  • Itching around genitals.


Whether you have pre-diabetes or the condition is established, making alterations to your routine can still lower the chance of developing some of the nastier complications.

MJM HOSPITAL runs “DIABETES CLINIC” in their hospital at ghole road, Pune. The hospital has special programs to help patients in preventing diabetes.

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